The Maddison Lectures In Northern Justice
The Collected Lectures 1995 - 2010
Edited by the Honourable Mr. Justice Ron Veale and Mathew P. Good
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Justice Harry Maddison is a distinguished northern justice who served the Yukon and Northwest Territories for 30 years. He was both a traditionalist and a reformer. He embraced mediation while many courts were still questioning its value. He was also protective of the independence of the judiciary. He is a principled man, a perfectionist and one who strove in every decision to see justice done. He is also reserved, humble and a delightful and humorous person.

The lawyers of the Yukon wanted to recognize Justice Maddison’s contribution to northern justice and felt that the establishment of a permanent chair with Yukon College was more enduring than the usual gold watch. The Maddison Chair invites a distinguished judge, lawyer or scholar to make a public presentation each year on northern justice. The Maddison Chair Lecture is an ongoing commitment to providing a forum to explore contemporary issues in northern justice.

This is a collection of the first 15 years of those lectures.


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